homo ludens…
beings like you or i are attracted to the same games though in many differing ways these interactions averaging into any particular of generalizing rule becoming narrowed ranges in which to work with but this is where work and play deviate from each other no matter how related they are as foul suspects wary of the crimes committed when dementia forms the objective while rolling the dice in loosing of ancient laws which humans now exact as a parcel of their heritage now turned to privilege gone sour from the power throes emoting death curses into and through imperceptible frequencies that sometimes only animal things within us hear the summons clearly enough to come, as cruel beast hiding inside of the kindest of hearts lunging out whenever a dire cornering converts the energy and anxiety into the survival urge that settles for nothing except to live through a new fighting drive impervious to mere rules or their agents gone in to retrieve those unchasened and unmanageable to pervert their energy into something a bit more constructive for the hive minds messing about in ivory towers trying to plan every little piece of a puzzle that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the map they laid out to view, and the strategy as applied to move the massive by tactics resorting to hostility and intimidation to subvert any personal sense of social safety and keep that consistent belief remaining within our heads that we as humans are plague-bearing creatures suffering out their fates based upon vaguely-implied ideals brutally reinforced by those fostered primal throwbacks planted as a neoanderthal set of guardian spirits with barely enough sapient cognizance to appear human while fooling most of the casual observers many of us have become examples now as the passive aggressive sarcastic and judgmental… disappointing each other into corners where only the hard rock faces reside deadpan to the world while the world tries to find the few solutions we can to hide the lies better even though this ultimately makes more problems than when we first started out breaking down the bottom line which it would seem commerce and rest of the opportunists are inclined to take as the path of least resistance to the more venomous villains in the out there, in coming to bear false witness where it works for them when playing these types of games that do mess with the minds of anyone trying to play while changing the rules and challenging the validity in distorting one’s own reality perceptions to build a person up with hope or confidence that isn’t as real an inspiration but lonely illusion begging for some commitment, but we can try to cajole the cyst’ em to give us what we think we require in feeling the need to participate even if this just means many more players to be tricked by a simple misunderstanding of formal settings and rules as they apply to each scenario zigzagging throughout interwoven cunning and stunted deceptions Here…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 22nd, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.