an acidic soul

astringent strung along as an agent of sour sources and bitter emotional scars as they raise up razed and scarred stinging with pain as the healing takes over the nerve fibers gathered at each point along their way to your brain trying to escape these dismal offensive thoughts that scatter and spur those totally vicious of vision on to appear strong as their volatile strength thrown around like a weight attempting to strike someone down unaware of the venom in irony and sarcasm as abused trusting with thrusting stabs the righteous swings of courage while a chilling divorce between body and mind disturbs those of uncertain choices, the emotional scars chilling a scare down the spine a tap matched only by any means necessary as those vile ilk whom make thinking difficult to say the least in their peeling away the tissue and vain attempts to wage a war against feeling these things but they do come back if you only admit to a vague dismissal at the viperous subtleties in consuming and choosing a whom they view worthy to dine upon with fangs in the flesh scaring wounds on places that are never bitten, and indeed truly touched by so few once the damage has been done which radiates heat like a star upon the soul itching and scratching against the stains of rash decisions made with restless fingers in whose pain just lurks under the surface fated to be our own idea of an insane making real this world around us curved inward toward center inside of our cells as we burn to the nucleus curious to see any something able to counteract the bizarre wasteland that our eyes really view within judgmental ‘whys’ and the wild-eyed paranoid awarenesses in stealthy steps of stalking intruders who listen closely to your words as if you meant anything… viewing my sets of fears as jangling around me like loosed change hedging bets as they come up telling me i am indebted to a system that will not have me for who i am as only for what i can accomplish for the right interests in the rights people are always working toward a conformity in order to gain stability in this anachronistic den of torments known to some as the ‘desert of the real’ waiting for a way to feel at peace or whole not knowing what the next day will bring as others fling themselves off of cliffs to wash out, or to see if they can swim as a fish maybe in dim comprehension of an animal routine that would seem to give us insight into our human nature in contrast to what values we really share with the animal kingdoms considered meters below this idol of human stature tossing the sacrifices on their heads to possibly break open the rotted egg that has percolated from the depths of a cosmic incubator, a chamber made for the music of the spheres from all fringes of the universe to drag ashes formed from the persecuting flames of hatred and intolerance into the enlightened phoenix form rising forth leaving bitter tastes of missed glories choking life…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on May 10th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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