war saw was raw

all that humanity can endure and has yet to endure as striking feature to be witnessed when a proper timing submits to the will of creatures yet so primal and unyielding to the necessary rites and regulations of their cultures and traditional visions of civilized society constantly revising its ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ and all that resonates Here while in flesh for a minute it seems as the whole damned hurdy-gurdy keeps playing on the same slow creeping repetitive song sung out of tune with the rest of this universe, but to where is our rights displayed for us to make the appropriate notes in staying true to ourselves without the ideas of incredulous brainwashing to subdue our souls into place for the cosmic race game that appears to keep all of our attentions most neatly focused on the pain and loss emitted from these hosts born and dead without even knowing the joys of travel or chasing the dreams that will never materialize because we get caught in the net webbed over our minds in the haze of realizing our purposes each their own, much as how we connect these reality streams together not unlike attempting to stay in contact with people who have touched that soul in its burning heart lodged deep within our separate kingdoms we attempt to keep intact all throughout our lives in this place even through the stress and dense difficulties that seem to work their magic on this mortality so easily… not as atrocious as it first might appear when it is this we who are guided by inner lights as particles and molecules that condense and coalesce into solid beings composed of many things beyond merely this three dimensional stage of life churning compost and germs in whose microcosms are locked outside of simple senses to yield proven results requiring more advanced ways of thinking and solving problems searching out solutions to what seems coincidental odd luck or the random timing to get these things working properly, as we survive in these alternate realms projected out onto us by our fellow inhabitants on this planet whose disturbing lack of compassion is detailed in their reflections of life living through machines made of the same particulars as everything else in solar power derived from shifting combinations of these continuous movements and their pieces of dream shooting stars into a reality of ignorant beasts who knowing no better for themselves than to stall progress for selfish reasons in a justification ritual turned into the game of civilization, but what justifies a slaughtered innocence in the gears of this ‘autocratarchy’ a grinding mechanism treating the rest of this population like cattle or a commodity to be transferred from the top down once the energy to keep up is burned out allowing ourselves to settle for a very little in return for a near-constant giving even when reluctant to be hated or injured by the craziest of forces at work upon the artifice of living and dying consciousnesses…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on April 19th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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