freak flags fly high…
the deep frequency is proudly displayed with the bold and present colors swaying in the diesel breeze with a fluid grace that a wind no matter how harsh always carries within it crossing the threshold between fire and ice as the inspiration comes in bold strokes of imagination swaying all-too briefly on for those impermanent periods we have Here sometimes fully aware of what is going on around us although in a state of almost constant a struggle to attempt relieving the psychic pressure of fear lurking all over the space in various forms of an identity to carry the messages further than one form would allow, innovation beyond our mere faith in this one skin we find ourselves tripping within sometimes deriding the ungainly suit of flesh toward abuse where an understanding for the dynamics of oneself has eroded or is never thoroughly developed as a sense inside of a person whose ideas may be kept locked up holding back the brilliance of this enlightenment for others deemed selfishly unworthy no matter what the cost in an even exchange that must eventually be taught and learned like a muscle memory made reflex capable of a potential for adaptation even through any negative judgments or pejorative remarks as reflecting general indignant indigence of a spirit used to material expectations, and when the universe grants the wishes it feels we become worthy of as many of these articulate visions evolve and expand before inner eyes that see further ahead than a you or i would be capable Now as chooses to do the same because of that equalizing force in a freedom of choice punishing the evil-doers as well preventing their return once in awareness of the harm possible to others of us not used to the torment or suffering utilized as tools of a subtle social manipulation through the vicious etiquette of torture in tune with the cruel fits of Mankind… not allowing enough breathing room for the few of those left not waving their flags or the other conformist paraphernalia giving up their public permission for the shit to keep washing over us to train the masses to be scared and stupid with the distinct purpose to not question those orders given even those rules shifting and changing at a moment’s notice as within our modern police state, but that a will of a people is not now so easily domesticated when there is no capacity for a dismissal against this wall created by we all who have believed everything we are told by those we call the higher authorities even as they come in calling for our executions and holding us accountable for all those ailments social mental and otherwise that prevail yet we do not see, but can we ever overcome this mass-produced profile that absorbs our skills and knowledges in homogenous masses that crash and wield godlike powers now at the push of a button which as easily frames this world into constraining boxes become crushing once the visions created become too narrowed to work…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on April 18th, 2015 in blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.