
my idea was that it would be like something counter to whatever whiny muscle rock that seems to me to permeate mainstream rock radio for what there is left of that old ideal out there of jerks as profitable role models because my ear is not groomed for the radio anymore now that i have experienced a strange climate change between school-age and the person who is writing these words now, and i guess i somehow have always wanted to produce satirical outsider art in the truest sense of a satire trying to be a reflective tool expressed like maybe a ‘canary in the mine’ scenario holding relevant meaning up effectively until the canary like the run-on joke dies a horrible death in front of the audience even though i do not think that is any artist’s wish at all, to die a horrible death on the radio is nothing more than entertainment to the ghoulish obsessed hooligans heckling from the peanut gallery with some people acting as they wish to act while others acting as they want others to act just speaking to be heard by some audience in order to invade comfort zones without any obstacle allowed to say what they cannot say aloud to themselves… these self-abusive terms driving the legions of human ingenuity to try creating something new and rich in texture and its complexity built for the unsound mind to observe with glee as sonic tapestry woven with intimate pieces of expression using strings of syllables more intelligible than words as invented sometimes to soother savage beast within which requires this most potent of interactions to allow personality to dissolve into a better something more than just an ego instructional, a question in pursuit of answers is what many of us are revealed to be underneath these layers of fragmentary things we are exposing both consciously and unconsciously aware of what we are doing as we give our deeper selves away to weaving songs along like the telling of a story with a beginning and middle and end finally as devised and analyzed to send certain messages to us all, but i refuse to be caught under the sway of inauthentic feelings from performers i cannot even relate to when i think about how it is that music has evolved the way it did into newer concepts spreading like sonic wildfire…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 23rd, 2013 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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