Monsters from the Drama dimension
there is no command over the senses that does not take its toll on the others as the meat moves and writhes churning and viral passing along traits maybe better left in other times and places, intimation of random deception of the culture proliferating throughout even those tiniest of details as the demons and weasels of humanity crawl to utilize sanity into warping the minds gratuitously of all spokespeople involved in this consistent spin of reflected deflection that drains, but is the state of this artistic means motion to an end worth enough to have set out to get to the other side as the static clinging wrap to capture our best traits is pulled wide to accommodate all the suffering inside as the bubble becomes just another detail described and taken for granted as we tell ourselves that we have arrived… just another day gone astray in smoke and ashes set aside on the tray carrying the burden tending the urge to loosen until finally all of the dishes fall out of their place, and smashing upon the floor gives chase to the examination of why and under what circumstances has it all gone this way as those willing to clean the mess made have all decided they will not be treated as such by the cumbersome treads of mastery over enslaved situations as obliged creations, a civilizing force removing various methodologies until the amalgam of the few come by design to include microcosmic displays of vicious interaction between the cycles as they hide within us hidden under the scope of empirical study… the wages between a science and superstition warring guises for the individuated urge to be right among these trifling monsters making havoc with our sense of balance and a proportional understanding of the way things work Here, an ever-expanding contractual obligation to meet the needs demanded of the service-to-others that still retains that unpleasing demeanor demeaning the rest of the real work force whose labor shifts are utmost monitored to keep the beasts in line, and expecting the next paycheck after the one previous to this disheartening resolve dissolved into sloppy mess that beckons and begs to be dead under the thumb of a watchful lording mind set up on high above… rising to meat the needs once again demanded…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 16th, 2013 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.