Secular Fission
to tank up on this world’s charismatic ways is devotion to a nonsense that takes so much from a person only to deliver them results they may not have expected to receive as the vast integrity of this receptacle out pours to us each an attention to detail that others would not realize in us to occur as this might nullify any previous distinction observed as subject to change, perhaps in methods unsettling to the observer when witnessed as mystical effect revealed as the mystery of the box is opened up to release a gift that may shift the perspective of space and time as subjective for each of us in our momentum rolling forward by default because of how resolute we are to believe in the concrete rules like a linear perversion of reality taking on the stranger than fictional parts on the pieces that somehow fit like they were always there to begin with, but mad prophets we are not just each with our different gifts given to us by pleasant twist in the flowering fabric of this cosmic tapestry alive with the particles that sing from heavens made of stardust as much as our dust spread over aeons to conjoin with consciousness to mutate and create new lifeforms to taste in this ever-evolving variation that does exist whether we wished for it or not… conceiving of all these devices to contain and distract the all-too menacing of qualities that reside bold within the human mind biding time until such a period where the leaking cannibal fluids will not be quelled by damn nor sudden bouts of being sorry, all these tricks are far too callous to finish off the damage done by creatures of distaste and incredulous wasted potential fisted as implement of souls’ destruction shifting the sallow and winsome weathered look blanked out after the generation becomes factual terrain to be styled, or at least thought so by the trendy wannabes who tread weakly in the shadows of other stronger ones willing themselves a self-approval among all the naysayers thinking their vocal choice stronger still than emphasis on reconsidering whatever previously proclaimed as unworthy to reveal as the inside of the heart manifests what the emotional “body” requires for sustenance to retain life and a force of will… the compassion for one another must be fostered one and all as violence is not a key but a retarding step backward further into that claustrophobic abyss where not even a god can save us, and it has to be swift if we are to escape of our own accord, searching out an appropriate compact with the universe in order to be at peace oneself…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 12th, 2013 in blogging, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., my art & dreams, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, v for Vetanda.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.