Reckless Nativity
not much is the absolute of anything tame as it all switches sides to keep us on the edge of our seats whether we would rather retreat or not be possessed by these so convincing demons inside of safe places, the soft and delicious instinct as it surpasses the integrity of conscious decision into action as the soulful frenzy rages like a freak storm sudden and altogether incapable of being avoided, but as the reigns begin to beat upon the windowsill we seem to sit captivated in the appropriate manner with a gentle etiquette to keep the weeping from flooding behind the skin created Here to hold us and our deep thoughts… a paralysis that assists the fears into subversive collaboration along with guilt and shame as long as we allow others the press of easy control overwhelming us because there are the multiple-layered distractions each condemning us into our own homes, the subtle rage builds up as does the tension within this cage that has been pushed as sage advice when the reality promotes more ire and frustration as the minutes keep ticking away as it cranks up the suspense that people are sensitive to when the social menace lays its’ hands on you too, and it will then move as you sight the beast for yourself wondering where it ever came from within this natural modern world under the false impression that innocence is some benign ideal expressed by those with lost yet lingering youth… dowsing for a living faith without the proper tools to keep this genetic chain gang in check and down for the count as the countless amass numbers of worshipful haranguing others with seasonal monotony, and its inclusion of hooligans who care nothing for human compassion after the wintry season has closed its doors of warmth on the poorest of our kind unable to afford the basic social embrace of neighbors or state minus the contempt offered as a minor consolation for such a horrid way to treat any other, even though so many seem to choose giving in to whatever rewards their selfish extremes perceived as immediate benefit in the Now without any interest in adapting toward the long distance visions seen in dreams we made to be manifested as our reality shaping and weaving the rest of us…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 9th, 2013 in blogging, dark thoughts, n for Nescience..., r for Rheme..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.