Disease of Being Free
talking on the human disease yet again, freedom being the choices we are allowed to get or to search out for ourselves contrasting against the chains and collisions that have made this world the way it came to seem through eyes trained to perceive the opportunities in strains of callous opportunism as it grows out of the back as animal aspect of this civilization likened to wings hopefully to fly the fears away, but this creation has become some nightmare akin to the token monsters we have amassed as glorious soldiers in the inner warfare on consciousness and the use of tactics that subvert the human form of integrity trying desperately to create a compassionate community from basic grounded ideals, we are seeking to be understood for what it is we each do trying to find the reward that makes our confidence soar with the best of our heroes who might perhaps feel this way all the time locked away into pens of a preconception trading a near perfect likeness of immortality through expression where great people finally succumb as a caricature of themselves or their causes… no black and white, no this or that, only the grey of oblivion the beauty of grey as silent form of the shadow like a slow decay staking so many people who choose their fears over their feelings too often… it is reality which claims the fascist from decency or the decent urge towards community forsaking all who stand in their way living suspended in-between vague and correct as necessary guidance to the future embraced as the better person one wishes to become, the sadness in the human heart is an overwhelming depression that takes energy away from thinking locally in order to respond to average people and their questions in searching for a healthy oracle to say to them that what is everything is going to be alright, and that the tainted script written for us does not have to be law followed to the ancient letter should be acknowledged and emphasized as commonplace once the vapid ideas of the fundamentalist regime read fascist extreme are as dismissed as the misery they have displaced onto those perceived as a weaker trait of humanity proscribed to be exiled as less than the vanquishing beast defiant and defiled from within we called Mankind…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on November 14th, 2013 in b for Boyg..., blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.