aMuse ‘um
no way to shrug off the Roman fascist scare tactics so easily as we are collectively smiling our way through so many centuries with cataclysm at our backs in the wake of the mediocre rulers as measuring sticks to guide a civilization by, caustic waxing and waning of energies too volatile to contain these concerned citizens who try on their morals as though like masks to disguise the real motives that fuel these motivations in which ideals have been defined for us in far too many ages before we even have reached this place, and we are Here much like any comet or comment projected out aloud as clouded idea allowed to escape into this vacant space incarnation within conscious range of a feasible continuum taken in as supposed incarceration where the vast amounts of labor are subconsciously subdued by the system in authority constantly trying to divine efficiency from the hordes of the human condition held so captive by a craze to be the best of these cast-off clones in vague disparaging race to a splendid veneration of humanity for all ages to come… this triggers contempt in contemplating my weaknesses whether as genetic seed passed on rather recently or perhaps a cultural cultivation from which many traits and combinations make their way through the passages and segues of time and space tracing back into the fertile infinite void from where we all stem as the endless godhead creative in looming unknown particulates that postulates through our mortal forms why it is we do the things we do as humans ever-confusing and as frustrating to defend as any other holy relic staving off the heretic trends as they push and pull and assail the rest of us without knowing if there was a ‘whom’ to blame as central to this problem of physical erase that we get so greedy wanting to see to the end, but still there never was an end to the edge of whatever this ever-expanding throughout the abyss is that we seek in absolute quest while tracing the distinction from the past…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 18th, 2013 in blogging, m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.