Manifesto of Intent (in stream of consciouness)
Okay, here’s the deal…this is going to end up, ideally, as an open forum for musicians of all stripes and goals…with many different people registered with the intent to give their opinions freely…Here, however, we are very philosophically-inclined about our tastes…mental and emotional credence for the respect of the music above all, and in that frame of mind, a guided hand to justify the creation of the oxymoron…Controlled anarchy…if full creative intent is to be had, then we are the pioneers that need to be, and that destiny is by all accounts artistic freedom…Desensitized to the painful drains that make life unbearable, the music leads the thoughts down a deeper corridor than the one that we have reconstituted physically as, but not everything perfect will sound as we wish…unless we were to rid ourselves of the perception of the negative energy inherent in existing alongside all those positively-influenced energies, we suspect to self-destruction, and to rid ourselves and our minds of this filth we must face it all head-on…to break through the barrier that its perception creates…Not necessarily choosing to face it actively, per say, but maybe the choice to never shy away from those combative obstacles that will certainly throw themselves in your way…Music can be that magick that defines and shatters the negative impact that these ideas can contain, but most certainly not allowing this negativity dispose of a better outlook, it should only reinforce this outlook if it does nothing else…too much pain can force a person to look introspectively with a very fine-toothed comb, forcing a too critical eye upon every aspect overall, and lead to evasion as a method of losing the battle for unique thought…Expression is the key to making your reality the truth…I waive my right to a trial by jury, and realize how truly guilty of being the prick I really am…That, however, won’t stop the flowers of my madness from blooming…Even if they are never watered, and grow like fungus on damp, dark cave walls in the consciousness of the world view…Save yourself now before you think it too late to do anything but be humbled by the awe and majesty of the dead beat generation that we have become…Thriving on the minimal exploits of capitalist cheating for greed’s sake, taking every imaginative resource, and blowing it so out of proportion until it literally must die slowly among the pig-dog-sheep that flock to it…The sounds of distress from a dying age…Here is where we begin our quest…Fuck buying tickets….you are already aboard the express train…
Posted by Johnny_Demonic on August 31st, 2007 in m for Manque.., Minstrellations..., the MUSe sICk. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.