a Disposable Palate

the conservatives conserve nothing with their antagonistic attitudes balancing those cowardly human resources hoarded by both nepotism and despotism that currently thrives like an overgrown houseplant from a campy horror film as perhaps in ‘a Little Shop of Horrors’ style of vividness, where the villains are easy to spot from the vantage area of the living room set-up to watch these horrible masterpieces taking place again and again as we all while away the remaining hours of life we have left to use for our own devices, but consumed by the flavor of guilt which might reveal a lapse in reason that tries to kill our survival instinct as it requires us to adapt to be a relevant organism participating on the surface of the earth in order to develop some way beyond this retained idea of a proto-humanity devised to keep the good times going from the thousands of hundreds of years ago in which humanity was ever actually repressed and oppressed and still are tormented openly by those elite opportunists who scrambled and accumulated wealth since the depths of the stone age as most of the wild Neanderthals died off as the greater species assimilated them into the fold of history without near a blip on the conscious radar… as the plunderers’ tribe known as Mankind in its’ own way has done nothing but expand its’ boundaries trying to take out other sometimes more civilized motions of establishing and adapting to this rock as it has grown too much more far gone into a manmade jungle of social malfunction entranced by the evils within people reluctant to absorb wholly the oily menace, as with a sinister though not so wholly left-bearing direction tries earnestly to supplant the honorable mention as humanity craves respect bearing contented bliss for a taste of fear and animosity as the carnage-based vehicles to despoil that humane factor in the human’s complex character exchange in quips whose echoes sunder the connectedness of people who bear stress for a whole system at work to promote the pressures intact, and to level them off another notch or so above a real human tolerance that would admit to a creatures’ innate need for respect and care that isn’t so cheaply administered to the rest as well as ourselves as this place is not desolate and truly empty yet even though we have boxed in our feelings rather tightly to forget further who we were before this game… the pricks reign with their 24 karat credentials flashing out distracting rays of light to arrest or stall those common people who are trying their best to work out something from the system for themselves before being held to bullshit standards that stare you down right in the eyes, where a spark of life is all that has been left by ages now gone because of the methods to the madness that spread and offend the crazy rusting crave for pleasure meant for the men like pigs rutting and snorting up to their masters like pets on the farm, and waiting to be fed the little bits of filth and fecal matter that passes for gossip on the lips of henchmen and the probing of vicious inquisitive delinquents massing up to a social sludge as further evidence of the ulterior motive of elite rulers trying to take over the land… the puppets can stand and appear to be of the same stock as the common stereotype of a human standard that we all seem to agree is the pinnacle of what is considered perfection even though this is further still one more myth presented to open ears and eyes as youth to absorb this as the universal truth can be subdued by the inhumane brutes at the doors of perception trying to take away your dreams again, but really these beasts are using words spoken aloud like daggers to be turned once they are sunk deep into the backside of your mind again and again on repeat to operate on the subtle wavelength that drains the color off your faces to be replaced with a viral conformity that takes pity on none because we all stem from the gutter, though this is not what it is we are made to think as we “grow” in a system that stinks of the garbage and lies that people use against each other every day as more distraction to throw between yourself and the others whose faces morph into odd shapes as they speak in foul tones that betray their sinister edge… the cruel and unusual kind are tormented in their own ways that others outside cannot see the same way without experiencing some small slight of their torture inside the mind’s eye, the essence of what we all are as layers of endurance peel away from the skidding baleful howl emitted by the lost in their search for some kind of sustenance that does not imbibe from brackish waters filled with darker things than one sees with the naked eye in the head, but in this way are we delivered into the hands of a savior or yet another tormentor who does not know how to cope with all the indifferent abuse properly as the shadow of society seems to eclipse its’ members by engulfing them in all the deleterious side effects present in the modern day as we know it yet… scabrous leader/ tyrants abhor and then abort the untimely instances that occur in order to take control of what defeats their urge to stand confident in any decision they choose whether it be the slaughter of millions in scenes of depravity, or turns into an undercurrent of grief projected out on a slow hum as defense against disaster like an umbrella built of worry to guide against the tricks of the bourgeoisie and their machinations dropping subtle hints as to where the old power truly comes from even though they are truly unaware, this cosmos remains the same without us as with us even when we trouble ourselves with questions about the true order of humanity which shall forever stay hidden as ambiguous a mystery as ever with our stacks and stacks of encrypted lore behind us sitting in the dust just to show us who we were in the long run that looks like a race from outside of us… oblivion as dismal end…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on October 4th, 2013 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, p for Periclitate..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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