Re Treat
i smoke weed, but prefer to call it ‘bud’ or ‘smokey treats’ as a way to diffuse the too-serious stance that most people seem to take on the role of this plant, i am not what you might consider an average person even as i have adapted to this frequency of heathen earth which allows me to convey this message to you… i am one of those who highly recommends partaking of the momentary bliss and insight to which the herb is a guide, a positive influence if you need any as much as the rest of us, but is this all natural medicine can give humanity as one of the few spirits that remains undiluted by a machine processing that doesn’t rely upon human hands to break apart those flowers from the stems and seeds… i never have preferred cigarettes to this great plant as the process is such that manufactured farming has disfigured the spirit of tobacco in commercial markets, even if the brand promotes being preservative-free or whatever the new means of selling it has become that uses our hip activism and health preservation leanings against us in order to prove their brands worthwhile for the young and old alike… the sinister hands that rub together with wicked grimace as the disturbing shit hits the fans first who raise their enthusiasm to deadly levels in a retaliation for how poorly our culture treats us in the suffering through of all the experimental maladies first, programming us with the barest of preparation for in the outside world where cruelty runs the gamut of genuine emotions trying to grind it all down into the indifference as wasted human animal becomes a shell wanting no more of the overdose that living fast and hard has to offer one, but still a fantasy of the multitude seems to yearn for this decadence to which none return whether the spirited or drone whose uses are many comparatively when in contrast all idols seem to put an about face terse toward abusive behavior which calls out the worst social traits into the surface… as they desert us in our times of need because of how inferior we might appear to be as within their catastrophic vision to satisfy the carving devouring plague which tears loose pieces of flesh and blood with the stones and the fears, sucking it all into a swirling artificial black hole where darkness and death reside upon the opposite shore of the life we now live into an end we cannot foresee as it teases us to be more aware of what it is we do when we do it, and not just run without a reason to aid justifying the humanity inside of us as its curiosity gets the better of us sometimes more often than not because we can be so easily misled by what we simply do not understand when we stand too lazy to search for the difficult answers… start to get things back on track a bit, i am a mundane acid head as well as eccentric wizened by these fears as they are used to reinforce our slavery to owning property and paying taxes to which no one wants anything to do with whatsoever as to ‘not be informed’ is one of the many righteous indignities out there, and it is because this system we have grown up within has been so used and abused by the “best” of their class as another weapon against the actual society in chains through the electric credentials that can instantly debt one to some faceless authority who doesn’t know or accept you for who you are… instead, we pass these debts of shadow and silk around and stay sedated for a depressing go-round that spins our culture further from any real progressive value that could dig us out of our debtors’ hold, and life as worthless if it is not used in getting the right things in set priority to how one wants to truly live without taking the orders from any of the others who define themselves as capable of knowing the better over and over again… drugs take us deeper into the strange of a human logic as we are so allowed to envision these contrasts between who we are and who we might appear to be, mystery sometimes gifting us as the individuals able to witness these new sequences without a pain or anxiety as the debt gets passed along when the human animal can no longer take containing the brutal and necessary obligations as they condemn the animal inside for its feelings as contradicts the goals of the system, and it is these means of relaxing the stress that the system tries to seem regulatory but for selfish ends from a means that matter most not to the host but the parasite fiend whose ideal manipulations make the world much easier to tolerate for them… even the beasts behind a plan of action like prohibition are the slaves to their own internal system as subjective and biased toward those who can pay the most, and maybe Here the debt begins to collect and weigh the odds against the under-classed pacified by their ignorance as moral buffer between the versions of the ‘us versus them’ ideology that still asks a price by exacting the victims that sort through the system, giving any orders to the monster within ready to kill for the right answers as the sober high accumulated in this bloodshed is not even worth the watermark where the most despicable acts as waters flood and arise…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 7th, 2013 in blogging, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.