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‘the words are constantly losing their meaning as we overuse the myriad variations of clarity in spite of ourselves to the point of disuse, where it becomes rubbish and loses all previous attachment to each meaning one by one as these layers further become a rich topsoil that grows new growth for the meme complex only to be recycled and swing back into reuse with that new flourish or twist materialized the next time through, and it is as though the filtered perceptions of control the looping behavior/ habit happens all over again as much as we might like to think to the contrary to an absolute extreme of denial made possible by the sheltering culture that raises its citizens deprived of actual wisdom instead subservience through the staggered quotes and quips that fill up a brain…’
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‘trying to catch up with my one more snail’s pace in the coffin replacing the nails with the mucus again, there’s almost too much vital information scattered around this shit hole meant in the nicest way possible, but will there ever be any room for nicety anymore?… the shit has backed up out of the draining pores as i work to catchup with November of this year as well as all of this month friggin’ day-by-day as fast as i can get the words eating my brain to get the fuck out into open air, curses and blessings aside as this challenge has surpassed my expectations so far as i am without the breath used in keeping myself absolutely entertained what with all in the hell’s hand basket going on out there in the big bad real…’
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‘all humanoid lifeforms Here recreating modern reality all the time… the dark side of the psyche takes its time with the need to commit to this scheming try in the game of replicating and synthesizing reality in order to create new worlds from the dead ones, science allows for this feat to take place on this side of the laboratory whether with or without assistance from the others that will take up where you are to leave off once you would escape this mortal coil as we are each a living world in the process of dying while Here in this vessel in the middle of all this cosmic traffic as something big is about to happen wherever we are…’
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‘the collective psyche, branding a terrible element of guilt and shame into the phobic subconsciousness that lies just beneath the surface as the real spikes through in manifestation into living breakers of this illusion of an elusive truth under lock-and-key at work against our collected will to be freed, but questions such as what are we captured by and why are we still under the impression that we would have no power when all around us it is exploited by those regarding the mantle of leader as that of the priest… a faithless pederast consuming all available energy only to dispose of the good “product” of this union before it has a chance to heal the birthing wounds that came at a price fixed in the entropic catalysts walking upright like those within the species of humanity…’
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‘we can play games with our boredom just as we can play them with our pains or gains or freedoms, this never means that we have to win all of these games because of a heart being in the right place when competition is an acknowledged sport to which rules apply that are to be upheld to a higher standard of quality in athleticism and prowess, but without an absurd notion to burn money… the consumerist plague upon entering into the 22nd century without delay is now pushed forward by the essence of nothing but a remnant presenting itself today as some substitute for ancient ritual long forgotten…’
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‘as commented upon by ancient philosophers in their heyday, the elders and their elder gods before reason and logic ruled the land and seas and people, and it is Here with forgotten deities that the power of the fish came to symbolize an archaic enlightenment that does not make an appearance to all people… some people would rather have their lives insulted or assaulted by their “gods” as they are humbly below such creatures, but as both agent and content of a myth in progress we can divine a better destiny for a future present…’
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‘Here current heinous trends present the climates of struggle and mayhem that do follow in the wake of revolution, we are hoping toward the future for comforting the images to reinforce a stable goal where the commodities are the source of our empires’ wealth and glory, but this information is false as a conclusion to make because the real source of the production is in the mind of the worker… any other impressions are misguided by opinion as what is opposed to any insightful reason on intuition is this psychotic break from reality in an unprecedented lose/ lose scenario…’
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‘we get furious with the most passionate of ill-logic at the surface of our thoughts if we were to choose fight as opposed to flight when faced with the deadliest of challenge where our lives hinge on success, though the mind of success can make one suffer a hubris that ingrains in the immediate psychology an idea of invincibility that would convince the thinker of their prowess… very few of us are exceptional hunters anymore except through the use of rules as a simulation, but whether to simulate the natural “laws” or play at seeming like gods with people to back any amount of legal paperwork that clogs the system as it stands is just as bad a monkey-wrenching goon as any stinky hippie sleeping on a lawn somewhere… it is quite difficult for us…’
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‘with quite the same technique twice retaining absolute success, or you come shooting out with blank stare in the eyes and ready to stay claimed by some interested party for the next succession of years of indoctrination and lies in excess as the recession hits harder than a depression this time around the clockface in calendar procession as the great big snuffs out the slow way… there is no other art form to dig than the one you have in your capacity to cherish and make the next chapter to an already good book called ‘the life story’, the creation myths are ours to expand upon not retreat from, and once we learn their rules of game and demand when the supplies start getting out of hand as the wealthier store and surplus…’
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‘the pseudo-police of human behavior for their lack of enthusiasm that the current system is working justifiably or strong enough to handle all the reckless youth in the system today, their elder dinosaur minds from reptilian hives have been mistaken for the intriguing mysteries that lead to a wealth greater than ever could be valued on a material scale through the murky soup that is the ether in which our thoughts and possible selves sit awaiting for the restraints of vision to be taken away by the senses as they open up to the particular within and in-between… some of the builders got the designs right, and were allowed to exit into another reality, some would choose to believe that we remain in a product of a design gone wrong… but the truth never lies…’