to Absurd the Curve

learning what is taught even though accuracy is always lacking no matter how well-calibrated to the system to which one devotes their time and effort especially affirmed as wasted energies to summon forth the confidence to con the rest into feeling less than charmed by these simple tricks that one is, harbinger of the dirty sicknesses proliferating Now for untold centuries onward and outward over the trials and errors preventing safe passage upsetting the leap gracefully or energetically between these animals in proximity to each other trying to learn all they can to make this life their own, but the grade of this curve bends toward a narrowed precipice to which a point is made though not always with that cutting edge of clarity desired to communicate with a true sense of gravity what it is the situation means to persons locked into a ritual conditioning of domestic slavery moving these masses to shift this reality… amped up to degrees of tension and heat that many may find themselves wandering out of the kitchen and off into a wilderness hard pressed to hear the reason and see the wisdom for ourselves trying to escape this cell in our hearts keyed to the interlocking tumblers in our heads, each mind a box to think outside of in relationship to each casual being Here today lost always questioning reality trying to gather the information before it spills spoiling the rest with infectious conception as a joyous disdain for authority fills one to display that leaning grasp for perfection in nothing special, and leaving the serious ideas alone to play a record of tomorrow to be saved or redeemed for some holy rebate on fun and imagination as yet yielding to no one but those who take this restless urge upon themselves a fighting ready for their worth as harsh as this system mocks the struggle by testing the next in line… or is it that this realm of idea is ever more out of tune or irrational than a horizontal plateau set in material rules and regulations whose distracting refrains cry out from the dark of a chiming ignorance that belies the potential in humans, a ritual consciousness as plagues us from the primordial heights pulling our weight around through the sludge of millennia without mind to speak these ideals of dream letting the dreamer sleep yet still, and to abstract a mission from the chaos and uncertainty boiling up from these feelings in as little truly cognizant display of subjective relevance screaming in those voidless voices from beyond us forward…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 27th, 2014 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, c for Colluvies..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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