
it is a satisfying hot mess sufficing to say the suffocation would not be the same if not for the frictional heat inspired by that contact whether mental or physical the results are similar standing at attention as so much tension builds between so many unspoken components as they orbit and gravitate together as amalgam of truths that will set loose the freed from their bondage of bureaucracy that thinnest threat underneath the layer of support and proof of the fact to the mission of the corporate mass that is our country in vain pushing out the natives while establishing these interlopers as supreme rulers by which to measure all standards, this is how the pigs get to be in charge even within their stubborn ignorance as guiding agent falling to pray on our knees while our heads are decapitulated to capitalize on ideas that have wrought the human minds infertile and banal as the slithering shadows gather and enter as easily as a television program to enter the brain wanting of stimulation that same time denying a validity on the experiences gained as though sensed by a state of varied disbelief even when a faith is claimed as a fully intact reality through the vetoing of less banal more imaginative realities veritably singing the song as of all the absurd harmony, but who really needs to come to harm as the victim tenderized and left soft with too many predators as vectors of possible attack real or imagined becoming true when the urban superstition raises to such levels that fear starts roaming the streets in droves as clones of each other performing conformity like some kind of magic that ripples across the sage advice or wisdom of those ages before and after us Here… scientific conversion of people into mechanical animals Now delivering to the expectation on par with electrical circuitry trying to connect the various facets of people on-line as off the beaten path created by hippies and poets and other things that go ‘dude!…’ in the time we had to walk around and truly find ourselves throughout all the reactions as overshadowing the pursuit of Self that seems selfish on the outside but inside is a necessary step in not having a knock-around identity, most would consider of doormat status or as pushover by those too confused by weightier tamings by wealth and power as it converts us into screws to be driven like food into the plunge of vast digestions invested in our doomed breakdown into tinier midgets that can be manipulated in particle form by self-righteous scientific wizards in ivory towers bent on a world domination, and this world has come to be disturbingly dominated by a stupidity as optional choice of the masses in claiming it is as evidential to being the monster as much the hero saving the day calling into question our prime archetypes as has been perceived for as long as Jung remains in the vernacular of our modern memory making renewal this cycle of life death and rebirth tool to which we might complete our respective missions…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on October 23rd, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, p for Periclitate..., rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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