living in a techeval age…

there are few sages with good enough advice to save us all from the ultimate finishing in especially as these novelizations we are an occupant within are tessellations away from solving the puzzle with piece after irregular piece that frustrate as they do not seem to be fitting into place as if the right shape to use even when it escapes me the use that we serve as seeds dropped and delivering content into the soil to grow new tangents of dream woven together all along not far from the trees as their roots collect into an amicable base from which the forest becomes itself, drawing on resource and energy out to grow as that vibrant sword of vitality that haunts as it flaunts all needs and accessibility of the others while the cutting off of those that perhaps deserve the greater reward of a future to look forward to though so many seem unable to grasp what that means without as principles of certainty to guide them as savage medieval weapons have cowed the multitudes since ancient times when a killing was everyone’s business and in that business was good, but we have reached a new point of no return in this singular millennium from which only a few things have escaped that were not of a material origin to start with as dimensions filter into our base of operations through the creatures developing on many layers of time and space as mind opens out to the future and relays this intrinsic circuitry back to ego and myth directions taken down their avenues of proliferation throughout which the populace and generations are the shifting cosmic ouroboros spinning again though reaches no end… the spiral as golden ratio to behold and to be holden to this a floating serpent revealed as the digital veil is lifted and technology embraces the ascent of a whole new paradigm one in which the physical distractions aren’t just as embedded to change one’s conscious directions onward as the vicious modern myths spread to attempt a chopping off and bringing down those courageous and in a compassionate frame of mind and sensitivity to emotion that projects maturity from the source of what is one’s self from that deepest unknown, sometimes the source of all our fears when confronting things in a personal way that transcends a comfortable space lying in wait for our mistakes to overwhelm us as our vulnerability taints the confidence we may have originally sought to reinforce to allow us our way through the trees lounging in the breeze dying by the diesel engines roaring back and forth dissecting country with cars and trucks, but these opinions are not certainty no matter how much the opportunist finds an action or manipulation to be stable forward motion in whatever ulterior motive drives one to eat away in an urgent to empty the rest of their potential in order to serve the greater selfishness that lives and seethes to push our civilization let alone the whole of society to the brink of madness where destruction and dysfunction reigns supreme even that digital gate shakes…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 27th, 2015 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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