in the Extremity of English

speechless pursuing the spoken word as fragment of this other realm where things get lost so easily in the silence that stings with quiet determination as sciences and faiths waging wars between those as enslaved and demon elite hordes who claim to have mastery over land sea and air to such a degree so as to be acquiring all those resources that are required to survive, considered a plan to derive a vague “greater good” process from all of those life-giving qualities Now defied by animosity in a scarcity implanted like dark seed to allow these pains and misery of the interested debt growing out instead of something closer to compassion into positive phrases which would cater to the real majority in this out there, but to merely compress our life story Here into living out our daze is an improper conduct of action thought and energy that there aren’t ever terms to express any symptoms of this signaled a distress an accurate way that hasn’t been compelled by the systemic infection to cast out those whose personal perspective judges and touches all those still sensitive… these “friends” and their pandering to the sensibility that seems to tie together humanity by a broken society sent reeling from a harsh rhetoric implemented ages ago by historically toxic leaders of whom had never known the truth of their roles as puppets to distort people’s choices from the culmination of some resonant sense of universal respect, these various taints and virtues invest the spirit into who we later choose to become when false the many opinions and cliches are trying to guide the masses to cow themselves down into myriad sacrificial scams perpetuated by the monstrous myth-mongers of traditional exploit and of a damage to appease all their vapid pyramid schemes, or come to face genetic displays of youth turned away from an innocence as the grievous errors are further attempted by the state of the populace making more form out from the ignorance that delays further progress in the ways that matter most to a people shackled to work without hope barely staying afloat by low compensation we are given… truth is not a soapbox to stand on and pontificate from even though the tribes we belong to in this modern phase social madness juxtaposed upon craggy mouths opening to speak words valued by few, and of vibrations gilded confused diffusing the enlightened squarely where they do not need to know theory of solid facts and failures, a simple tithe blood spent in yearning to see more of this comprehensive conclusion called future…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on November 8th, 2014 in blogging, e for Esemplasy..., my art & dreams, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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