numb- Ass- tainted…

shit creek had paddles once back when the river wasn’t full to overflowing with the optional opinions stained shit a blooming function away from becoming these caltrops dropped so no one follows your awkward tracks though it also becomes a natural boundary if one were to ever back up or take steps backward leading feats in directions forward yet sleepwalking back again as the soul drifts in and out of this a continuum corrupt of principles and morals used as a cryptic Morse code of emotional dots and dashes to create simple networks of signals to carry forth the mystic messages of the days of future past as well as those other more minute dimensions demented but deserving of present attention and a much closer of supervision, human fundamentals of courtesy and respect lost on deaf ears and eyes that hear what the heart is trying to convey as an observational organ in a sense very much like us that brain with nerves and strain stressing the system with a pain that will not relent peacefully as comfort is a dying art of fleeting ideals not represented the same ways as the traditions may have started as minds that were opened to novelizations of a permanent short story that every few centuries finds a permeation in order to repeat the process as its standard of contracted pathways whose currency and circuitry change as a malleable stream of consciousness informing the creatures we are Here, and always dealing with this as tainted service-to-disease that even the opportunistic act of our fascist vulture culture carrying on like nothing ever happens to safeguard against worst cases rotting to bursting up in a freak out at a time oozing the wounds of the past like a fresh slash n’ burn wish to condemn the serious contextual clues that lead us back to relying upon each other and acknowledging that the others contribute as much as we do to make this palace of excess great again… the wisdom peels in sessions of sitting and waiting for something to occur as cloudy elemental imaginative concepts loom nearer than an icon or avatar has ever had the privilege to say they have witnessed the pleasing and the pestilent viewing the meditative contrast remotely from the mind’s eye as a staged set and setting bringing the audiences deeper into the Mystery where we have kept ourselves locked behind filters of materialized fists that fight and lash out, hooking others where they are prone because of how strong the magnetism is in some people as this reproductive technology wins out urgency to agency as we are left to manage these consequences of our actions no matter how far we can run away to escape those problems, but the fears in us still find points of contention as within contradicting the self whether driven by ego or evil matters knot when lives still matter compensating for inadequate health care as experimental force of analysis that cannot ever be wavered as the war of empirical data pushes us to make like lemmings off this edge plummeting from a cliffside into a sea to drown in natural human speculation that drifts Here…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 4th, 2016 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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