Epic poetic genetique…

in addition to all material we have to learn as such with institutions like vocational schools reinforcing that easy yolk to weigh upon those one-by-one who agree or are too passive to get a free thought loose to obsess over in numbing cycles spitting hostility and cruelty once that subtly sanctified line is crossed whether by nation country or citizen becoming another sacrificed glory as more tallied bodies fall dominoes knocking another well-rounded person pegged criminal processed through by a systematic prison society carrying puzzled souls teetering at the social brink blinking past the disasters a brilliantly glowing horizon rimmed in radioactive stardust glossy against glaring against darkened dim light sundering the surface world as epochs of rhythmical eclipses blind the eyes from sight and those senses we know Now by the patterns we make if these spreading organisms straying further beyond the ocean bed where the rest of the world sets itself when all things collapsed, adapting to breathing and judgments passed around carelessly leading a person to quickly confront their conditional impulse upon others among the beneficial sources for understanding oneself creatively linking us chained together under the frets by now obsessed with time and the end, the stitches written like scars upon this pelt punctured and stretched holding these particles together as by elementary hand of god forsaken concept that zealots casually sweep under the dense flying carpet ride that becomes appraised destiny few reach satisfied with the results as insults taken so totally personally that as action utterly responsible leaps to its death through direct defenestration out from a mind’s eye cluttered collective insight and witness to pit fight dynamic to which tests the resolute to survive at any cost no matter how hollow or what the superficially exalted pricing to exact precise excising determined by categories of terrorized attentions exterminating those undesirable traits as handiwork of a Mankind’s ‘eugenetic-ass-ists’ operating under the cover of a nurse or doctor of exceptional scholarships even though previous zones of “yes/ no” are not made to harbor artificial conflicts inside of obvious connections between distant rotten dots quickly lined pockets to crooked path of least resistance that never officially ends, but at times coveted senses can seem ineffectual when most inopportuned the compressed by any need to expose the life that imitates art through expression devised and appropriated by the artists inspired by bemusing those appropriate elements gone confused as that of the exact alignment a synchronized cosmos and the elements leads cursed and blessed to find portal with which to view the scope of the epic scale that our universe vibrates as a tonic through musical calibration echoing against of what ails a population deliberately acting as antidotes instead of anecdotes charged with components that attempt a conscious directed healing… as the bugs warp our invading of their territories at every unwary turn to make sense of what transpired from reference to memory with an accuracy from each pursuit to instill one’s person with confidence and commands of focus unobtainable by those still resistant to those natural changes loosed there is no wonder then why these things make no sense, and what of those pneumatic creatures who realize some gaps in integrity subdued and pushed aside by trivial glimpses of the speculative future spinning both the webs of lies as much those of support as safety nets to catch us when that dangerous tumble finds off-guard with the well wishes that brain damage cannot even be a case though traumas can disrupt cognitive function easily, there are the few occasions when a so-called trip ends with transcendental rides away beyond this flesh allowing for knowledge to be brought back though not always safe if no thoughts for setting…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on June 18th, 2017 in blogging, dark thoughts, e for Esemplasy..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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