Full Moon June and the Thirteenth Friday

obscure defensively in captivating an audience from the nothing as that random cull of nature makes us wild inside our inner child whose being as defiled and defiling takes its’ nerve and its’ cues from resistance to whatever calls itself our authority to listen to carefully or you will fuck up somewhere soon, but i am not Here to do this to you ever though the words are not a solid lever with which to force fair leverage wage out of this system built upon livelihoods while quietly constrained within sheltering neighborhoods across the world where no one gets a fair trade on anything, this is the way in which this modern world as we know it Now has made us the slaves to be used and displayed for the gains of the already wealthy trying to push to a limit that no one else sees as much as feels until the time has come that too much has been overlooked… this is when the limits start physically forcing themselves inward as though in compressing the people against one another as space creates claustrophobic situations as rats in a maze might think if they were paranoid being pushed on by outside measures knowing things can easily change if there is even the slightest slack given, the cracks begin showing as the facts rallied against our methodical destruction take hold of general conscience revealing the false demeanor utilized as the mask of control it ever was thought betrayed taken as granted, and the small islands of personal sanity we savor focus deeply into our own worlds filled with differing perspective and challenge when worlds collide as the ideas spray out like shards of sparks igniting an inspiring spiritual fire… poet, as dreamer and artist, takes the simple cosmic gestures to heart as yet another lock and key formulaic state residing within each of us even as our states of being sure of this concept are divided in complimentary symptoms to beat back this systemic infection… fascist age learning curve purging of the hatred and all that attending ignorance that has us pointing raping fingers in political correctness at each other to better our worst enemies of course not the ones within ourselves making others into victims in oblivious pursuits to individual happiness in breaking up the material substance…

Posted by Friday on June 13th, 2014 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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