$atan's $cratches Archives - All The Wrong Topics dot com

eye always $cratch itches with a dollar sign…

Hello… what easier frame or phrase than thank you which requires two syllables instead of one, of course having a transitional punch that distinct that quick does shake up some idling ideas apart from whose passive potential energies acts like glue upon the cosmos left behind you sealing it in a caption called ‘past’ as referenced anchor point met by the individual you as waiting to collect up that box with an uncanny seeming of random things to a naked selfless soul whose “i” wanders about with no absolute definition of structure or home without building upon personal concepts of its Here and Now as presence has dictated, but don’t go so hastily before eye pronounce these symbols as words in motion to access a non-exclusive state as stellar freedom the illusion makes us out not to be because …

elemental, my dear

The parallels are everywhere Here… Sleep equals death equals ether equals time/space equals birth?

the pentangle Orientis

What exists after we awake?… Birth into sleep and back around again.

a torment of frequencies.

You might think it is safe to be hard like a rock, but your ego betrays a lack of confidence in the self-esteem that is required to move about so freely. You can look into another face, and sense the animal alertness embedded in this flesh. You can read the signs of progress like a scout with a compass, but your initial thrust forward is hampered by an existence fettered by the material needs that substitute necessity. You can see yourself giving, but all you can do is take it as the world dishes it out to meet its tempers of equal pressure. The urge becomes too much for the being to endure, and as the light fades from the eyes, an embittered perspective takes the place of a mind open to any frequency that reaches the senses there. …

with regard toward nothing.

my fate is locked in tightly with yours, but the avenues for release from the present state are terribly limited. the understanding defies the reason, and the reasons defy the proper logic out of the chaos. ordered thoughts might seem the perilous undertaking. ‘Nixon Void’ beckons from the dark dead subconscious of archetypes unborn. a string of letters and symbols that conceptualize into empty anti-growth. a nihilist is breathed into life, and yet, wants that breath taken back to wherever it came from. spite and despair bring this “thing” to us, and we all have to face our demons down the barrel of a gun, an image that denotes our futile narrowed vision. we are lead around by the bells, ringing to create unendurable confusion, and we meet the intense things that be. overtaken by the bullets of implied …

the strange people.

They are there right now. Everywhere in our midst, keeping a patient eye upon the suckling void active in humanity, and this fatal flaw will always reveal itself given time. To betray a withering self that cannot think beyond the material scope of the reality they seem to hold so dear. The possessions that can take a stranglehold upon their keeper. A misty recollection of what the past had been. Now, just subtle memories overlaid the entire scene the eyes can take in at once. Baffled by the ill-tempered, I stride motionless through the questionable realm of thought, and get to know the hollow chest which is my emotional center, my heart. The mind and body can stray away distracted, but the heart guides the soul to its fateful destination. Weeping in sorrow over the torturous existence that sometimes …

spent thoughts.

crispy from the fryer, eye have come to spread cheer and enlightened false riches. philosophy is emotional experience, and it moves like friction in the mechanical, it needs something there to lubricate its’ machinations. nihilism makes hippies breed faster, and communally, they resemble rabbits accustomed to rapid fornications. twisting their genitalia into some heated amalgam of fleshes that makes all the bodies move, writhing and thrusting, into bliss ever more temporary from the mouth gaping wide open to reveal the pain beyond the dark swelter. the ejaculates of the mind’s eye have become distorted folly. by all foolish standards, self-parody is the macabre avocation that propels the defiant urge forward in the ‘mic/mac’ cosmos. darkness needs to light that love brings to inflame the wounds from active witness to the pitfalls of reserved behaviors. the actions that inspire billions …

lost words.

tHere are strangenesses about in this lair…small surprises along the way to greater things…no focus will well lead someone across the blades with a disappointed air…the scraps of personal power that we give to other beings is astonishing to say the least…what obnoxious freaks are we to think we are the masters here?…the surgeon will cut with a certain precision to the incision, they have all done this before somewhere…the world is not our whore to play with so easily…what benefits the estranged soul who darts in and out of the centuries looking for bliss, is it possible to understand wholly from within?…it feels like a real shambles, but will always change without reason to the hard second…turnabout is fair play, or so they say…eye don’t believe in a way out…it is all obnoxious puppetry in the extreme…we are …

the perception of e.y.e.

the perception of…
eye see, eye see…visions of the masses through their children’s eyes, and outside of the mind there are reconstituted effigies of persons who walk by, hardened by the growth of the creature on the surface…the eyes, however, say much more from the soul then many other physical points do, but that is not to say that there is no way people can flow with this energy from every pore…most do not even pursue such abilities…in youth, we have everything that cannot be condemned for the loving newness that makes every moment breathtaking, but as we grow older, it does become easier to use experience as a shell from this freshness…not an innocence, per say, but an undeniable potential for anything sensual or beyond the six senses…man is five senses, but that example is that devolved man that …

edict of the obsolete

Burgess Meredith is the obsolete librarian…Orwell was to literature what Nostradamus was to divination…and then history made effigies of us all…

slender threads, the trains of thought

there are few things eye can think of that are compelling to me anymore…one of those things is thinking about thought, and how they channel the energies necessary to compel the world to move…not simple, small scale attempts at understanding, but grand and epic cosmic questions on the essence of growth…all link to each other in some way that lies unknown to most of us, concepts to foundation ideas to scaffolding to the structure itself, and yet we keep hitting the invisible wall that breaks the logical quest into mighty gaps in efficiency…emotional conflict, a self-possessed culture and society, and the butting of heads together is a constant volley of trauma…some few of us take it upon themselves to begin to solve these riddles, but too few of them really ever understand anything about any psyche other than their …