
to acknowledge experience whether bereft of creativity or not defines our spiritual mysteries in each a suspension of disbelief in order to accept our faith into our hearts as another unfathomable depth of these human miseries we endure through motion and emotion entwined together with the wizards and fairies as psychopomp guides from the mythic past to become archetypes of sense and of Mystery to behold us in our own magnificence as avatars to that true self we may call ‘god’, but leave off many unanswered questions to realize our power to change this emotional ocean of lead into gold even many are loathe to admit that they cannot swim as breeds of various sheltered landlubbers filtered through the system are now ready to die for a cause that each as a person may not see though as progress becomes that overarching goal commanded by the polarities of dichotomous human nature generating multitudes to fall from off cliff’s edge fringe of humanity’s endeavors exploring, and imploring the rest of these selves shattered by an illusion of separateness drawing lines as boundaries in whose guarded ignorance may allow us to be subsumed by the orders we are given thusly not questioning the lack of substantial answers received as the alien organism and the animal physique hybridize into these creatures as we are among those moving around so easily under disguises barely concealing the hidden… to question faith and filth as much as any other system of dichotomy tricking our senses into visualizing then applying these concepts into actions that train the system and attune their users with the particulars of interfacing with the modern paradigm such as ours Here today manufactured for us while also sold in vast quantities that remains unused to rot and fade away as these ages splash against the edges of the timESPace bubble we have the honor to inhabit even though that glory continues to dim as ignorant heathen aggression takes us into positions of national socialism and slave labor intended as cosmic joke killing us with our fears, but not every one of us escapes unscathed as those with something to live for make the weakest soldiers because their hearts are so large looking forward to the end of any current strife that can strike deeply into the meta-anatomy of culture and the layers of society and politics that stratify the ways which we would interact with one another creating these predisposed perceptual psyches lodged inside of our brains, as terrorized by some vague inevitability of an ending set to lurk in the darkest corners of our thoughts as a collected consciousness carved out of the disparate experience and wisdoms gathered Now at varying set points as knowledge is consumed by the discriminate kings of this wisdom going rather slowly ahead as deliberated moments clutter this headspace that we inhabit to recalibrate this cyst’ em as potent futures unlocking the trials of potential persecuted by ignorant fools who consume information like candies…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on March 19th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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