a weapon pious.

the artifacts have left with us a legendary idea that shapes our beliefs on into this present day and those attendant ages promoting religion and authority swaying a people divided by their own divine forces on the odd occasions that they should worship the who’s who of pantheon civilizations primal and archaic to be perceived by someone from an advanced time or mind state in whose own view adds something beyond mere satisfying answers about the cosmos surrounding us, but there are also layers that get trying to keep in one’s head while taking all other informations as relevant or less so as the masquerade ball of confusion rolls further into exclusionary tactics like mercenaries on a mission from a god attempting a purge of all those competing authorities with their corresponding rites and rituals used in appeasement as signals between an individual and the environment as metaphor for a dialogue between mind and body perhaps, though still answers elude our curiosity driving us like a cruise missile to demolish any sanctity that would stand in resistance that the skeptical might have in confronting faith as related through personal diversions of a ministered flock in congregating around the words and interpretations of their chosen scholar whose only true devotion need be to the Self as inspired by god even if that means killing hundreds of thousands in wars and converting those who know not the inherent truth to your systemic inflection virally spiraling in toward an end which we know not as a finish… a society of moral piety built from the deprived of a proto-indo-european stock-in-trade whose biological traits relate us to an environment on the verge of harsher consequences by still terrorizing the masses with attractive opinions and failsafe decisions locked in step with the rest of the authoritarians trying their subtle hands at manipulating beliefs away from compassionate humanity for the pie-eyed dream of a totalitarian control, to restore a fascist scheme of some saintly sanity undermining this reality as it is we know it to be something more beyond merely a police state enslaving our curious selves Here searching for definitions to which we could be injured upon like sharp hooks awaiting a slaughter to occur with those sacrificial lambs chosen to be hanged as mealtime martyrs for their meaty pieces to be picked clean by oily scavengers to retain a superior sense of survival in this fearsome formula patterned to each of us in our own ways whether this is the acknowledged truth or not, but callous ideals pressurized to spray in volatile strike to a poisonous flood that attempts to wash away reason and logic while domesticating wet brains into as casual a domestication as possible in order to remain undetected by the morality-sensitive radar in our heads defining our existence by a prayer or lack thereof under the warm gun of some god tricking a popular opinion with language and content as its’ minions of violent mind create and reinforce this kind of sociopathic social networking under sway of some sacristan authorities…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on June 6th, 2015 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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