the Ghost in the Cuisine

we eat and consume, devour and subsume all as some nameless primal urge that we refer to as ‘hunger’ even though we can say many things are related to this very general sense of hunger that possesses the animal form to move in forward motion the forcing to mouth a morsel sought as meal to further the extenuating circumstance sating a vacuum drawing upon the food in our feasts, and pulsing fuel through our arteries and veins as taking pains to explain the mechanical nature of time and space while also to explore our own anatomy torn away from conventional measures of meat stored within a muscle displacing energy from all parts of the system which binds it into action on act of fight or flight reflex… we capture and torture, kill off and allow to suffer people in a nameless struggle that defies acceptance as the civilized features of mind try to tear away the veil of secrecy that binds our uniquely combustible situation questing for the profound through the individual experience possibly taken from in any given moment the person seeking perhaps to remind the rest of us that this is not the way to just accept what is given to us, but often human revolution is confused by a least resistant path to similar ends fought for to wield change for enlightenment like scripture of feats to socially assume the roles we play to fit like twelve ignorant apostles seated around your jesus christ waiting to die while the depicted supper seems to last forever… questioning whether we can ever make respectful appeal to the spirits that lurk just inside of what we consider ‘food’ no matter how diverse and strange the range may be to those who don’t give even a second thought to or respect for the novel flavors just outside of the experience gained to be retained and savored, the entree not the h’ors d’oeuvre as a mainstay of course for the snack-less appraisal of worth viewed through the eyes of the world values of an Other and their magical alchemy in the culinary delights as legions of chefs and the gourmands flock around mealtime to indulge themselves and as then mayhap their human chassises obese in the carrying and levying of the weight too much perhaps perceived of as burden, and all this as we can absorb and reform these vital energies and imbibe of the spirits in those few creatures we take it upon ourselves to harvest and digest when the time comes to allow a microcosmic well-being to fill our bodies with the required nutrients keeping higher powers going…

Thanks, khet.

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